Submitted / In Review
Anderson, S.A.S., Matute, D. R. Secondary sympatry as a sorting process.
Anderson, S.A.S., Kaushik, S., Matute, D. R. The comparative analysis of lineage-pair traits.
Out Now
Anderson, S.A.S., Anspatch, T. (2023). (Digest) The non-redundancy of non-ephemeral reproductive isolation. Evolution 77: 618–619.
Anderson, S.A.S., Lòpez-Fernàndez, H., Weir, J.T. (2023). Ecology and the origin of non-ephemeral species. American Naturalist. 201: 619-638.
Anderson, S.A.S., Weir, J.T. (2022). The role of divergent ecological adaptation during allopatric speciation in vertebrates. Science. 378: 1214-1218. Media write-ups: UTSC News, Techzle, Le Figaro
Bemmels, J.B., Bramwell, A.C., Anderson, S.A.S., Luzuriaga-Aveiga, V.E., Mikkelsen, E.K., Weir, J.T. (2021). Geographic contact drives increased reproductive isolation in two cryptic Empidonax flycatchers. Molecular Ecology. 30: 4833-4844.
Anderson, S.A.S. and Weir, J.T. (2021). Character displacement drives trait divergence in a continental fauna. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 118: e2021209118.
Article was the PNAS cover story
Anderson, S.A.S. and Weir, J.T. (2020). A comparative test for divergent adaptation: inferring speciation drivers from functional trait divergence. American Naturalist 196: 429-442. Article made the journal’s ‘Most Read’ list in Fall 2020.
Published Software
Anderson, S.A.S. (2024). phylopairs: comparative analyses of lineage-pair traits. R package version 0.1.0. 'phylopairs' CRAN page
Anderson, S.A.S. and Weir, J.T. (2021). diverge: evolutionary trait divergence between sister species and other paired lineages. R package version 2.0.1. 'diverge' CRAN page